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  1. Application View Application Status Hunter Jones Submitted 04/18/2020 09:38 PM Name Hunter Jones Email darthhunter2009@yahoo.com Timezone America/New_York Country United States Additional Application Fields ArmA III Player ID 76561198208994408 Age 18 Have you served in a realism unit? Yes If so detail which unit, time in service, rank, billet Main and most recent would be 7R, spent just short of a year. They never really did ranks, it was more you get qualified to do whatever job, whether it be leading, heavy weapons etc. Lead fireteams of 3 including me. Mainly was the main 4-5 roles being lat, grenadier, ar, assistant gunner, and rifleman. Desired Duty Assignment 0372 Critical Skills Operator (CSO) Why are you applying to join 4th MRB? Im more of a fan for the marines versus something like rangers that almost every unit goes for. Looks well ran and organized. How did you find out about the 4th MRB? Youtube Confirm you understand the 4th MRB is an immersion-orientated, role-playing realism unit? Yes
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