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HM1 (FMF) Massie

4th MRB
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Posts posted by HM1 (FMF) Massie

  1. So here's my suggestion. Go with these https://pcpartpicker.com/list/MBKdtJ. Don't worry about an overclockable CPU and you can save about on not needing an afterstock cooler and the CPU alone. Also some slightly cheaper ram and you have saved $100. Now take that $100 and put it toward this. http://www.evga.com/products/product.aspx?pn=03G-P4-2881-RX Its an older GPU but its still checks out and is a steal at that price. That setup will probably get your ARMA to 60 FPS and cost about $500 in total

  2. Last Name, First Name: Massie, Parker

    ArmA III Player ID: 76561198004820064

    Age: 23


    Have you served in a realism unit?: No

    If so detail which unit, time in service, rank, billet:


    Desired Duty: Special Operations Capability Specialist (SOCS). Communications if available

    Why are you applying to join 4th MRB?: I enjoy ARMA and even more so in realism style. I've done smaller operations with other gaming groups but looking for a dedicated realism group to be with. Also Evil recommended that I join.


    How did you find out about the 4th MRB?: Evil


    Confirm you understand the 4th MRB is an immersion-orientated, role-playing realism unit: Yes

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