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Sgt Vernardakis

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Posts posted by Sgt Vernardakis

  1. Currently having this issue myself, I will try both saving with and without radios and then try your "0000" fix. Is this still relevant now or will I be wasting my time?

    UPDATE 1: Loadout is NOT loading, created a "0 naked" loadout and now it loads no problem. Also removed radio beforehand and that did not help. Relogging now to confirm.

    UPDATE 2: Loadout is loading fine after relog, making a new random loadout through the virtual arsenal and trying again.

    UPDATE 3: Random loadout is working fine, it seems that the naked loadout is at least a temporary fix. Thank you SSgt Moore.

  2. Last Name, First Name: Vernardakis, Georgios

    ArmA III Player ID: 76561198015247871

    Age: 25


    Have you served in a realism unit?: Yes

    If so detail which unit, time in service, rank, billet:

    15th MEU

    TIS: 426

    Rank: Cpl (Billet Capped)

    MOS: 0311 Rifleman, 5811 Military Policeman, 2336 EOD Technician/EOD Team Leader

    Aux Quals: CLSAMS, DMR, M32.



    Desired Duty: 0372 Critical Skills Operator (CSO)

    Why are you applying to join 4th MRB?:  I would like to play with people that I know and have worked with in the past, including GySgt Coake, A. B. "Alphabet" Johnson and Geng


    How did you find out about the 4th MRB?: Existing Member


    Confirm you understand the 4th MRB is an immersion-orientated, role-playing realism unit:

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