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LCpl Taylor

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Everything posted by LCpl Taylor

  1. Last NameFirst Name: Taylor, Matthew ArmA III Player ID: 76561197989243834 Age: 27 Have you served in a realism unit?: Yes If so detail which unit, time in service, rank, billet: 15th MEU(SOC) - 2+ years as: 0311 DM, TL, SL; 1812; 0331; 0369 Desired Duty: 0372 Critical Skills Operator (CSO), with intent to transfer to rotary division when billets open. Why are you applying to join 4th MRB?: After years away from MilSim gaming, I'm feeling the itch to be a part of a well-oiled machine again. Additionally, I already spend a fair amount of time chatting and gaming with a few members of the unit and have liked what I've seen so far. I feel that this unit would be right up my alley, as far as methodology and realism level. How did you find out about the 4th MRB?: Hershall, Ingram, Voce Confirm you understand the 4th MRB is an immersion-orientated, role-playing realism unit: Affirmative
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