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1LT Creech

160th SOAR
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Everything posted by 1LT Creech

  1. Hershall lands it again... in the Chinook... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7po3JlgWhvQ
  2. Here is a small video for the jump qualifications to be held at a date in the near future. I want to post this so everyone can be fully prepared for the evaluation of your jumps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yojm0kzKKkA
  3. Mr. Jacks, Thank you for the update on the status of your discharge from your prior unit. Your application is held in process pending a selection board interview with 2 or more Co HQ. You have 1 month from your original application date to complete the application process; by 23May. Please find us on our TeamSpeak (Info). Respectfully,
  4. Fantastic video as always! I hope to be helping with videos soon. =)
  5. Dude, I love the style of humor there! Makes me smile and get all school girl giddy =)
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGfqRQVrToo&index=2&list=PLKk6ypNjwym3TdQpZ5iBm-kIv2KngLHvW&t=8s
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPnbesiEsnc&list=PLKk6ypNjwym3TdQpZ5iBm-kIv2KngLHvW&annotation_id=annotation_801239735&feature=iv&src_vid=hFepGqERdY0
  8. Brown, this is great! I love seeing these missions from the ground's view. Thank you so much for posting this! GREAT VIDEO! Please keep them coming!
  9. I am really excited about this! Great stuff!!!! https://youtu.be/yBNslU5T5FI
  10. This is fucking awesome! Fantastic work! Dude I am loving these.I get uber excited when I see a new post by you in this thread. Keep up the excellent work!
  11. Great and fantastic as ALWAYS! It is great to see it again after having some time to process it and I get to see it from so many perspectives. Really enjoy these! One of my favorite trainings and videos! Looking forward to the Nursey's Playhouse one...
  12. I have some pc upgrades coming in. I plan on getting some recordings for you once it gets going. Right now I suffer way to much frame drop.
  13. Dude, the superhero music in the beginning just gave me the school girl giggles and was so fitting! Then adding the screeching noises to tires. Another epic video from you! Thank you for all the hard work you put into these and even adding the smallest details that make them truly one of a kind.
  14. I found my 7th powerline of the night. This time I got stuck... hard core stuck. WOC Hershall had to use rockets to dislodge the bird. Took a hard landing, but survived.... I am a survivor... (insert song here)
  15. I came here for more amazing videos of operations and all I got was super excited only to find that dang Wake Island post. I kid, man this is a great video. It is always nice to relate the historical backgrounds to our current things (even if it only in a game). Always good to know how we got to where we are. Thank you for finding and sharing!
  16. Stone found this and shared it with some of us in teamspeak tonight. ... but it was too good not to share with everyone. http://youtu.be/G4_RDBoRt8I?t=24s
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