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WOC Williams

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Everything posted by WOC Williams

  1. What's funny is that most of us are all in the same range of games owned, money spent and hours played. With some slight deviation of course.
  2. My Steam Profile (from SteamDB) Worth: $1230 ($509 with sales) Games owned: 74 Games not played: 19 (26%) Hours on record: 3,579.3h Um... well... I think I want to see a specialist.
  3. Last Name, First Name: Williams, Mike ArmA III Player ID: 76561198059978070 Age: 22 Have you served in a realism unit?: Yes If so detail which unit, time in service, rank, billet: 15th MEU - Joined June 2013, Highest achieved Corporal, Rank at Retirement Lance Corporal, TIS Unknown (enough for retired status) | 506th IR - Joined November 2014, Highest achieved Specialist/WO1, Rank at resignation Specialist Desired Duty: 0231 Intelligence Specialist Why are you applying to join 4th MRB?: I am seeking a unique experience that is different from my previous units. How did you find out about the 4th MRB?: 1LT Creech Confirm you understand the 4th MRB is an immersion-orientated, role-playing realism unit: yes
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